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Jonathan P. A. Mills

Hello, and thank you for visiting my website. I am an applied mathematician by training, with governmental and teaching experience currently living in Singapore. To learn more, read on, or get in touch.


My Masters Thesis was an investigation of the interplay between credit access, unemployment and the wider economy. The thesis was awarded a 12 (the highest grade) on the 7-point grading scale. It is entitled "Costly access to credit markets in a DSGE model with involuntary unemployment".

For my Bachelors Thesis in 2013, I attempted to develop a game-theoretical model of privatization. The thesis was awarded a 10 (the second-highest grade) on the 7-point grading scale. "Entitled Privatization under a Stackelberg duopoly", I have published it online in the hope that it may serve as useful reference to others.

In 2009, I completed the Extended Essay for my International Baccalaureate. I studied the hydrodynamic properties of swimming pool lane-lines through several experiments. The essay (together with the TOK essay) was awarded the maximum 3 bonus points. The title is "Mechanisms and effects of wave breaking lane lines".

Contact and Socials

I maintain a couple of profiles elsewhere on the internet. Take a look or get in touch!

© Copyright 2023, Jonathan P. A. Mills